Here's the clock itself (yes for the eagle eyed, there is a gear missing - it had fallen on the floor and I didn't
notice when I took the picture - but it's back in place now!)

Here is the mini album cover comlete with tiny working pocket watch
Here are a couple of pages from the mini album. I loved the edginess of these papers. Quite feminine but with a hint of something a bit dark. Quirky!

Dear Reader
Well here I am again. Back in the world of blog. I have so much to record I don't know where to start but I thought I better start somewhere! Good news is I have a new camera - still learning how to use it but got the basics now and am clicking away again. I've missed my blogging but Christmas, illness, busyness and etc etc blah blah excuses excuses !!!
Anyway, here is a project I did over the Christmas period. Yes, still a great fan of Laura Denison's work. I thought this project of hers was particularly lovely and I really enjoyed putting it together. There's not a lot of 'me' in it - just embellished slightly differently from Laura's original and I know some people get sniffy at that, but I loved the challenge of making it and am still marvelling I finished it! I did make my clock a working one by adding a little tiny pocket watch that I bought on eBay for a couple of quid. It came from out East so took a while to arrive but I was so pleased with it when it did! The pocket watch is attached to the mini album that is contained inside the clock but shows through the hole. You can (if you run up to the clock and peer hard enough) read the time which is quite handy for always late me. Handy in the sense that I can't usually see the time and panic!
In the end I didn't use most of the embellishments I sent for for the clock. Typical! Instead I went to Primark's sale after Christmas and bought a few metal jewellery pieces like the butterflies and birds. I looked for quirky! I wanted to bring out the Debutante angle rather than industrial steampunk. My other steampunk bits have come in for other projects and now - sigh - my Graphic 45 steampunk debutante paper is all but gone. But it's been a blast using it!
Thanks for looking.