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Monday 15 March 2010



There were two unpleasant things that happened during the war that I remember well. The first was during an air raid. An ARP warden came round to the back of the house and came to the shelter. He said that an incendiary bomb had dropped in our front barden and that an airman who was home on compassionate leave had tried to deal with it and had been killed. My mother and Rene were really upset because they knew his wife who lived behind the shop three doors away. She was expecting their first baby and was very ill so he had been given leave. I remember my mother saying she would rather the house had been burned down and him being still alive.

The second episode was one day I was running along the passage at the back of the houses. I think I was going back to school when suddenlyI was aware that a plane was flying very low and suddenly started to machine gun me - of course it wouldn't just be me he was machine gunning but I was on my own so I thought he was. I threw myself against someone's gate - I was really frightened. My grandfather heard later that he had machine gunned down Welcholme Road and in People's Park and that some people had been injured. That was certainly one of my nine lives!


  1. Can't wait for the next instalment....congragulations on winning Jane's candy too!!!! xx

  2. It certainly brings it all home, machine gun weilding warplanes and incendiaries landing in the garden, certainly puts into perspective the worries we face tucked up in our warm and cosy homes, make me feel for all our countrymen serving overseas in war-torn lands XXX
