Dear Reader and especially Nicky and Janet
Thank you so much to Nicky and Janet for awarding me this Blogger Award. I was chuffed to pieces but unfortunately my IT skills let me down again and I can't, despite trying very hard, seem to get the award on my sidebar. So I've put it on a blog instead. So apologies Janet for not picking it up before now.
Part of the Award is to name ten of my favourite things so here goes:
1 People (including everyone I love in my life - family and friends and of course my partner Maurice but people in general too)
2 This is bound up with no 1 really - chatting. Can't beat a chat. I think talking is a wonderful cure for all sorts of things.
4 Shopping - in all its forms - actual/window/virtual/Internet/present buying/clothes/food
3 Christmas - I'd have it all year round if I could
4 Food - especially a Roast Beef Dinner or A full English breakfast - but it has to include mushrooms. I love mushrooms so much they really ought to be included at no 5 but I'm squeezing them in with no 4 lol
5Travel but especially Italy - I love everything about Italy - the people (see No 1), the food, the clothes and shoes (best shoes in the world), the architecture, the style, their take on life and love of family, the weather
6 Creativity - in whatever form it takes and wherever it leads you to
7 Paper - always have, always will. I've always loved books, stationery, wrapping paper, etc etc etc
8 Writing - it's creative and therapeutic and links you to people and paper - until t'Internet was born - so ticks lots of boxes for me
9 Luxury - whether it's a really nice chocolate or a night in a wonderful hotel. For me less is more. Unless it's more luxury of course!
10 Laughing. You just can't beat a good laugh and having fun. It's what life is all about.
Your very welcome from me & I'm sure Nicki will say the same I love your choices, Right click on award save to wherever you save pictures to and go to layout, click on add agadget upload your picture is simple yes.No haha see you Saturday, Janet
ReplyDeleteCrikey moses, when I read your list, I totally agreed with every single one, I have always loved everything Italian also, paper is a passion and always has been in all its forms, we are very similar in our likes XXX