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Saturday 30 January 2010


Dear Reader
It's Saturday night so just a bit of fun. You've probably gathered that I'm an avid internet window shopper. In particular I love jewellery and love checking out new designers.

I recently checked out a site of a national award winning jeweller called Katie Rowland and was amazed at what I found. One bespoke ring in particular caught my eye. The idea is that if you meet someone you'd like to give your contact details to, you whip your ring off your finger, rummage in your bag for your mini inker (which comes with the ring). stamp up onto a piece of paper and the following appears "Ring me 01472 54321" or whatever your tel number happens to be. How cool! You can also get rings that spell out VICE, VIRTUE or PLEASURE although quite why you'd suddenly get the urge to stamp any of those words I don't know. Might be handy I suppose if you're stuck for a sentiment in class! Anyway, if you're feeling very flush take a look at the website - go to Purchase followed by Rings and Knuckledusters. Yes, apparently knuckledusters are the latest thing, although I still won't be buying one when they appear in Next. For one thing how could you cut out Tracey's intricate designs with a knuckleduster on lol BUT A WORD OF WARNING... If you're easily offended then stay away. It's not my intention to shock or offend people. There were a couple of ring titles on the site that made my eyes bobble a bit and I'm not easily shocked. As granny would say "Things you see when you haven't got your gun." I'm thinking it's been done deliberately - people talk and it's good publicity - but still a bit unnecessary in my view. If you can get past them (and you'll know instantly the ones I mean) then the rest of collection is pretty fun and funky......

Also check out on my blog (down the right hand side) the "Which Jane Austen heroine are you?" quiz. Just a bit of fun. Wasn't surprised to find out I was Marianne Dashwood. Lots of sensibility and not much sense!! Love to know who you turn out to be. Leave me a comment and let's see how close to your character they get!


  1. Well Anne I am Elizabeth Bennett

  2. Iam Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.
    Who are you?
